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Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

Weddings at Rothley Parish Church
Wedding photos by kind permission of Mark & Sasha, and Tom & Amy


Baptism in the parish church is open to people of all ages and we welcome enquiries. We believe baptism is the true route into the Christian faith as Jesus himself was baptized in the River Jordan by the prophet John.

We welcome enquiries from the parents of newly born children who live in the ecclesiastical parish of Rothley. We have to be fairly strict about the parish boundary and will normally refer enquiries from families living outside the parish to their own local church unless they have existing links with us.

Following an enquiry one of the clergy will be in touch to arrange an initial visit to discuss the meaning of baptism and explain the support we offer to families exploring baptism.

After this, three visits are made by our specially appointed baptism visitors. They are a resource to help families to explore questions of faith and what it would mean to promise to bring their children up within the local community of faith, by their prayers, their example and their teaching. This is then followed by a final visit from one of the clergy to make the necessary arrangements.

During this process we strongly encourage attendance at our 11.00 am service, which is informal and child-friendly or our Shine service which is at 4.00pm on the 1st Sunday of the month.

The contact for Baptisms are the Vicar, Rob Gladstone, on 0116 230 2241.


We are always very pleased when a couple comes along wanting to be married in their parish church. We work hard to make the ceremony memorable for them, treating the event and the nature of their new commitment very seriously.

The law requires us to establish a qualifying connection for anyone wishing to be married in Rothley. This is largely about residence and/or family connections with Rothley. It is not our policy to marry a couple where one has a divorced partner still living.

We want to invest in you as a couple and so as seeking to make the day as special as possible, we provide Marriage Preparation to help you lay the very best foundations for your life together.

As well as the fantastic setting of our church building, Rothley Parish Church can offer couples other arrangements, including an Organist, the Choir, Floral Settings and a fine send off from our six bells.

The fees payable for these arrangements and the service are discussed at the first meeting with the clergy.

Contact the Vicar, Rob Gladstone on 0116 230 2241 or the Church Office on 0116 230 2626.



We take very seriously our commitment as your local church to be there for everyone in the Parish, especially in times of bereavement. We are committed not just to the delivery of an appropriate funeral service at the Church or the Crematorium, but to the ongoing support and care of the bereaved.

The Clergy and Pastoral Team are available to be contacted and will be pleased to offer any help they can.

A Funeral Service can be provided either in the parish church or at the crematorium which will provide an opportunity for family and friends to express their grief, remember the person who has died, give thanks to God for the life which is now ended and to commend him or her to God.

Whatever the pattern of the service, all that we say and do will speak of a loving God who knows every individual human being. This God knows what it is to suffer as we do – in his love he saw his Son, Jesus Christ, die a real death. God understands. And he will comfort those who mourn.

When someone dies, as well as our visits to the family to talk through the funeral arrangements, we will take time to listen carefully to all that the family wants to say. Ongoing support will be offered to you by the minister officiating at your loved ones funeral, through the Bethany group. This comprises church members who understand bereavement, are good listeners, and have a compassion and sensitivity to those who mourn. There is no pressure to accept ongoing support, but we hope you will consider this.

In addition there is an annual Memorial Service which takes place in late October on a Sunday evening at the parish church. This special service focuses on Remembrance and Thanksgiving for those who have died, and is rooted in the comfort, hope and assurance found through Jesus Christ. An invitation will be sent to you, and we look forward to welcoming you to this special service.

Contact the Vicar, Rob Gladstone, on 0116 230 2241.

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